Senseless Violence at Boston Marathon

First, a moment for those that lost their lives and those that were wounded because of the violence at the 2013 Boston Marathon.

I lace up my running shoes in celebration of my ability to do so.  To put some miles between myself and the concerns of the day.  When I make a commitment to participate in an event as physically and emotionally draining as a marathon I do it to celebrate and honor someone else.  Sure, at the end of the day I have the swag and the bragging rights, but in my heart it wasn’t about that at all.

The Boston Marathon is an elite event.  Most runners on that course have already poured their soul into another marathon simply to compete in that one.  There are undoubtedly those for whom running in Boston is simply bragging rights.  However, even for those I have difficulty believing that there isn’t someone or something driving them to be the best that they are.

That being said, the events today are absolutely heinous.  The perpetrators have earned whatever judgement is levied against them.  Their act honors no one, and celebrates nothing of value.

My thoughts and prayers are with the runners, volunteers, and spectators harmed today.  You did not deserve this regardless of why you were there today.

I will run for you.



