Germanification of Vehicles

I’ve had my trusty Harley Sportster for since 2005.  It’s my first motorcycle.  It’s led me through good times and bad times.  I remember riding out of the dealership in IL without my motorcycle endorsement, no riding glasses, no jacket.  I rode the motorcycle around and around the block getting a feel for how it handled.  I took and passed my drivers/riders test with it back in IL — it may have contributed to the reason I passed due to the tester’s fondness for Harleys.

However the time has come where another motorcycle has entered the barn (aka my garage).  After paying only passing attention to them at the motorcycle shows, and scoffing at them on the road I’ve come around.  I can’t quite remember just what made me initially consider them.  After nearly two years of lusting, pining, plotting, and serious thought I finally took the plunge.  I’ve bought a BMW.

The weekend before the marathon I went out for a test ride.  I’d been targeting one of two options, and had finally gotten to the point that I needed to ride ’em to make a decision.  The two being considered 1200 GS and the 800 GS.  When I’d bought my Harley I’d gone for the lesser of the two engines to save some money.  I don’t regret that as a larger bike would have been unruly for myself as a new rider.  However, after having “arrived” as a rider I wanted a larger engine, and moving out to OR nearly necessitated it (thank you mountains).  Having ridden both I’d decided on the 1200.  I’d chosen that model for two reasons:  riding position and the engine.  I didn’t want to make any plans before I’d left for Chicago for some silly reason.

The weekend after my return I went back to the showroom and purchased one.  I haven’t taken possession of it yet since I’d also ordered some luggage that they didn’t have on hand, and I need to square away the insurance.

So now two of my three vehicles are German made products.  The VW’s I’ve had have been pretty good cars, certainly worth hanging onto for a while if it weren’t for that pesky leasing option I seem to keep being stuck with.  Next time it’ll be mine.

Now I only need to work on Angie’s auto and we’ll have an entire family of German made vehicles.



