Clover Coffee

This post is very overdue.  Back at the beginning of March I traveled up to Seattle on business.  While up there my co-worker introduced me to heaven in a cup.  I don’t really know the whole story behind how it ended up at Starbucks, but it is wonderful.  Unfortunately the only Clover machine that was in Oregon was viciously yanked out prior to my discovery.  So in order to sip this nectar I need to travel to Seattle.  Luckily as I write this I am yet again in Seattle and I have every intention of tracking one down before I leave.

That same co-worker, after hearing about my withdrawal and story of woe of not having one in Oregon told me about the AeroPress.  I’ve since purchased it, the coffee blend that I had with the Clover machine, and a coffee grinder to grind the beans down.  I haven’t tried it yet for two reasons.  First, I’m lazy and just haven’t found the time to wash it after removing it from the box.  Second, I knew I would be traveling up to Seattle this week and wanted to get a fresh memory of what the coffee from the Clover machine tasted like.  Reviews online have suggested that the AeroPress is the next best thing so my hopes are high.



